The House of Kerri loves vintage fur, and if you love vintage fur
like I do, then "Please Wear Vintage Fur!". Every time vintage fur is purchased and worn, that leaves one
New fur hanging on the store racks, thus lowering the amount of furs manufactured, and as a result, less new animals will
be destroyed in the name of fashion. The House of Kerri is fully aware of the opinions shared by many people, that wearing
vintage fur is still "supporting the industry". There is a huge debate on whether wearing vintage fur is just
as bad. The House of Kerri understands and respects that opinion. We also understands that there is a substantial
number of "Fur Wearers" out there and The House of Kerri is trying to encourage them to buy vintage to help reduce
the growing number of animals destroyed.
There are plenty of pre~worn & pre~loved
furs, just waiting for a new home. You'll be making a more ethical & humane choice. The House of
Kerri is determined to help save today's animals and sell vintage fur. The House of Kerri would like your help in
spreading the word about wearing vintage furs. The House of Kerri has a large collection of vintage furs that we keep
in stock year round to help our cause. Not only does buying vintage fur help save today's animals, but it will also
save you big bucks!!!
Please donate your orphaned vintage fur to The House of Kerri to keep the recycling
process going.